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School Improvement Plan (SIP)




1. Ensure the proportion of children achieving ARE is within the target range set for each year group

2. The progress of disadvantaged is accelerated by coaching and targeted interventions in all year groups leading to the proportion achieving ARE being within the target range


Provide high-quality pastoral support for all members of the MJS Family so that everyone can develop confidence, resilience and knowledge to keep themselves mentally healthy.


Develop pupils’ characters so that they reflect wisely, learn eagerly, behave with integrity and cooperate consistently well with others.


The curriculum is successfully adapted, designed and developed to be ambitious and meet the needs of pupils with SEND, developing their knowledge, skills and abilities to apply what they know and can do with increasing fluency and independence. Pupils with SEND achieve the best possible outcomes.


Develop pupils’ phonics, fluency, confidence and enjoyment in reading via a rigorous and sequential curriculum, addressing any gaps identified quickly and effectively for all pupils.


Ensure safeguarding is highly effective and consistent across the school